Where: Murwin to the Rock Weather: Part Sun, 83 degrees
Boat: S&S Double Red
Trip Time: 2 hours 45 minutes

3:45pm @ Murwin Park. Saw a turtle on a log. Heard bull frog, mower, and loud truck. Heard
birds tweet. Lots of small blue dragonflies!! Saw water spiders and a cardinal. Just
passed Hippo Rock - under 6 inches. A large party of kayaks was ahead of us the rest
of the way. Saw a gaggle of geese.
5:00pm @ stopped at East Bank Beach. We passed the group of kayakers on the Rock. Rough
waters splashing over bow! Saw a heron fly over. Bob R. and Sharon pulled up in their
6:30pm @ Dead Tree Take Out. The big party passed us.